Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Have a "Coke"

I guess you can have one of any number of colas, or, if you are in some parts of the country, any carbonated beverage. Thanks Zach.


Darcy said...

not working.........

Paul Marxhausen said...

Actually, while I'm no expert on Coca-Cola memorabilia, it wouldn't surprise me if there was an early period where "Coke" was still just a popular slang term for Coca-Cola, not an actual additional trademarked name as it is now. In that case, the quotes would be appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Maybe the company is surreptitiously suggesting one of Coca-cola's original ingredients: cocaine? See http://www.snopes.com/cokelore/cocaine.asp


Unknown said...

all the pics are funny & lol
This is the best Funny jokes with funny pictures I have ever seen.

hg3300 said...

there's probably pepsi in there XD

Hezaa said...

This probably isn't where this machine is (it looks like a Coke official machine), but in parts of the American South, "coke" means any soda.