When I was posting this picture I found an older picture of the same thing in my file, which I posted in 2008. Guys. The price went up, but these chips are still not in a truly large bag. Thanks Brendan.
It's hard to choose a favorite thing about this sign, but I'm going with how long it took me to figure out what they meant by "ham burgers." I wonder if they are really made out of ham. Thanks to Beth, who also reports that the "turkey legs" appeared to be actual turkey and were very good.
So what's really impressive is that Adam got two different sets of unnecessary quotation marks in one fabulous nighttime photo of Atlanta GA. I guess this is where you can get a knockoff J.R. Crickets under fake surveillance.
This sign, spotted by Meredith in a downtown Toronto store window, is really remarkable because of the density of unusual language choices. I can only assume this might be written in some other language that is remarkably similar to standard edited English.
I love everything about this. I love the idea that it's not just any honor code, but a specific one titled "the honor code" and it is relevant to the office fridge in some way, and people need to be reminded. For "honor." Thanks Jennifer.
Dave spotted this in Montreal but did not send along a translation. I get the basic message with sheer force of will, but I live in America and I know English and Spanish. So you guys tell me, is this funny? Make some jokes!
I guess these are more like everyday rose bouquets. Thanks Anthony.
U.S. citizens, don't forget to vote tomorrow. And don't forget to find out about local elections and ballot issues, there's more on the line than the presidency.
Well, listen. When these potatoes were packaged, they were fresh and local, but they have no control over how far you transport them or how long it takes you. Thanks Andrew.