Wednesday, April 25, 2012

mysterious "sympathy"

Here's what submitter Victoria told me about this card, which is probably some kind of code about the occult or something:

I received a sympathy card in the mail at my work place, and the photo below is the contents of the card.  The front of the card simply said "Sympathy" on it in gold script and the envelope's return address was a local public library.  We've been speculating for a couple of weeks now as to the meaning of the card, but whomever sent it is a huge, huge fan of using quotation marks in inappropriate ways.  This card is like a user's manual on different circumstances in which not to use quotes, and the mysterious message makes it all the more compelling.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow. And I'm not referring to the quotation marks, which is the least of the problems.

egarten said...

This is getting-a-bullet-in-the-mail creepy.

Sean Bentley said...

Not to mention comma and apostrophe abuse.


Amy said...

this is absolutely one of my favorites!

Arlene said...

Rarely do I think the phrase "WTF" is warranted... but in this case, most definitely! Definitely one for the favorites list.

Michelle said...

I'm in tears with laughter. This is one of the most stupendous things I have ever seen!

Kenny Bloggins said...

I considered calling the police after reading this, because my first interpretation of it was that, if the card reached it's destination, it failed because we were SUPPOSED TO HAVE ALREADY BEEN DESTROYED BY THE SENDER'S EVIL PLAN by the time it reached us. Fully expected a UPS shipment of anthrax or a fire bomb attack, but so far, nothing, thank god.

TT756 said...

I would have that thing checked for invisible writing.