Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
"plus" something
My friend Erin works on her family's pigfarm and they use these vitamins and electrolytes for the pigs. And it might have... more?
I'm thinking the quotation marks surrounded by dollar signs suggests this actually costs quite a bit, one way or another. Thanks, Ana.
Monday, November 28, 2011
not near the "entrance"
Ryan saw this at a Texas flea market. I am curious what kind of scooter problem they have that they need to pretend to outlaw them in a certain imaginary place.
sorry for "inconvenience"
I like that this one has whole phrases seemingly at random. Maybe they stole them from legalese and didn't want to use them unironically. Thanks, Amy.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
"everyone welcome" you say?
I guess a few people are unwelcome, but no big deal, this is really the second catholic church in Nevada. Thanks, Lisa.
for "customers"
Well, this works out pretty well, anybody can pretend to be a customer long enough to use the bathroom. Thanks, Sara.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
I guess that's not a challenge.
Just in time for the holiday season, here are some decorative balls that you may, in fact, be able to break if you try. Thanks, Christine.
Punctuation Lover Gift Guide on Pinterest
The holiday season can bring a lot of gift-related stress. This year, I decided to share everything I found on the internet that I think people who love this blog might also like. If there's a punctuation-lover on your list (or if you want some ideas to add to your helpful wishlist) check out the pinterest pinboard I just made. I'll keep adding things as I see them or find them. Feel free to suggest more things, follow, repin or ignore.
Friday, November 25, 2011
"photo" needs you say?
I like how many signs there are, and that only one has quotation marks. The most colorful one. Thanks, Andy.
shroedinger's bragging
If you're going to be hostile to me for my braggy bumper sticker, then it wasn't a real award and I was being ironic. Thanks, JC.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
In the U.S. it's Thanksgiving and I'm taking the day off from posting, but I wanted to mention once again, in a rare moment of sincerity, that I am thankful for all of you. Thanks for clicking on my website, and sharing links, and sending me photos. I literally couldn't run the blog without you. Nor would I want to, because talking to myself gets boring.
So, happy thanksgiving to U.S. readers, and happy thursday to everyone else.
Also, I'm working on a punctuation-lover's holiday gift guide. If you have ideas, feel free to drop them in the comments of this post. If you are an etsy seller with punctuation themed items, self-promotion is encouraged.
So, happy thanksgiving to U.S. readers, and happy thursday to everyone else.
Also, I'm working on a punctuation-lover's holiday gift guide. If you have ideas, feel free to drop them in the comments of this post. If you are an etsy seller with punctuation themed items, self-promotion is encouraged.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
"kid" shirts
I guess if you keep the shirt for a while, it will grow up. It already thinks it can take the car whenever it wants. Thanks, Amy.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
or are you?
When I was in New Orleans I also met Craig, who saw an example immediately upon his trip home. I guess Chicago is on the fence about your arrival.
"his" and "hers"
I spent some time at my friend's family home in New Orleans as well, where we discovered her parents had bathroom baskets labeled "his" and "hers." Maybe they really share some things.
Real-ish, Nawlins-ish, or food-ish?
I ate at this restaurant, and I can verify that the food was real, and it was in New Orleans, maybe the oral quality of "Nawlins" makes this one acceptable. Good food tbough...
you'll be "booted"
I was in New Orleans for an Academic conference this weekend, and my friends and I found a few items to share with you today. Becky found this one. I guess in New Orleans, they pretend to boot your car.
Monday, November 21, 2011
fake cupcakes
I guess cupcake snobbery has come to the point that regular cupcakes prettier than I could make in my house barely qualify. Thanks, Jeff.
"healthy" eh?
I guess they aren't persuaded enough that this chicken is "healthy" that they will claim it unironically. Thanks, Aimee.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
they buy "oro"
If the economic recession has taught me anything, it's that there a lot of people willing to buy sketchy gold. Even in the Spanish language apparently. Thanks, Jill!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
pretend faster
Sarah explains:
This is from a nearby Burger King. They also have you back up after you pay so they can reset their timer, so their service time per customer looks really good.
This is from a nearby Burger King. They also have you back up after you pay so they can reset their timer, so their service time per customer looks really good.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
who knows what these cookies really are
I like the contrast between the two signs. The ones on the left are actually crispy, the right are allegedly crispy. Thanks, MPR.
sorry for "the" inconvenience
I am trying to figure out what this writer could have been thinking with this one. Maybe there are multiple and perpetual inconveniences. Thanks, Steve.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Italian style "nachos"
In this sign's defense, I believe nachos are a tex-mex food, so something Italian Style will necessarily be "nachos" indeed. Thanks, Greg.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
"lock" the cabinet
I assume the second command to lock it is to clarify the ambiguous suggestion to "lock" the cabinet, or maybe you need to do both? Thanks, Solomon.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
more "only"
I guess this containment tray is for other tasks in addition to secondary containment. Since it's for biohazards, I hope those other tasks don't include lunch. Thanks, Janet.
Friday, November 11, 2011
I don't know how somebody could make apple crisp with ice cream fall short of delicious, so I don't know what to make of this sign. Thanks, MPR.
don't do it. that thing.
The combination of hilarious translation and random quotation marks really make this irresistible. Thanks, Anthony.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Matthew works at this school and quips "I guess the students ARE more like monsters than students sometimes..."