Thursday, October 20, 2011

get yer "nothing" here

This cupboard is totally reserved for things that "don't exist." Ok? ok. Thanks Rob.


  1. This cabinet reserved for Porgy and Bess. ("I Got Plenty of Nothing")

  2. NOW i know where to send my husband. He loves to stand in front of the fridge for long periods studying the inside. WHen i ask him what he's looking for, he invariably says "nothing". Finally, i can tell him where to go!!

    WV: imist, the stuff that runs down your cheeks when you're having an emotional moment.

  3. If I look in there can I see what my kids did at School today?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I recognized this immediately because months ago I saw it in a patient emergency room at the hospital where I was stuck for hours. There was not anything in that room to look at so I was left staring at this sign. Unfortunately I did not have a camera at the time. Today at the hospital, I tried to find out what "nothing" is but the cabinet was empty.
