Monday, September 26, 2011

"Notice" to "All Fishermen"

This must be some type of important fishing code. Submitter Tim is concerned that they have used up all of the quotation marks.


  1. I find it funny that every other line has quotation marks - until you get to the last line, which throws the pattern off.

  2. Yep, there goes the daily quota of quotation marks right there!

  3. But at least they did trouble themselves to find a nice faux-parchment paper stock.

  4. @tb then there is the color change of the ink thrown in for good measure.

  5. Here is my modest translation: (corresponding items marked in single quotes)

    'Memo' to 'assorted anglers', due to 'my wife's insistance', we do not store 'expensive-top-of-the-line purchased-on-over-extended-credit'
    fishing equipment. 'It's a long story, you don't wanna know' 'My wife thanks you for your patience, this was my penance'.
