Thursday, February 24, 2011

as you call it

I don't know if this person is that serious about protecting animals, seems a little sarcastic. Thanks, Graham.


  1. This is the first blog that has caused me to actually laugh out loud! Being a "grammar policeman" is my dirty little secret too.

  2. "Animal abuse"... is that when you point and laugh when your cat tries to jump up on something, and miscalculates and falls, like mine just did? If so, I am guilty.

  3. If they find out that I hide in a closet while my dog breathlessly, frantically searches for me, will I be reported?

    WV: dereol = deorderant for the "bottom"

  4. Nah, Buffy, that's only "harassment" at worst. "Animal abuse" is when you dress up your dog in a funny outfit and take pictures.

    WV: hemen = Men who drive trucks like that want to be taken for hemen.

  5. Buffy, I laugh pretty hard when my cat does that too. I'm glad it's only "harrassment."

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
