Tuesday, December 07, 2010

more secret codes

Mona spotted this at Vanderbilt University, and explains, "It amuses me not only because of the quotation marks, but because the sign is hanging on a pole with no evidence of a cut off valve." So this is obviously some kind of secret code or student prank that I am now too old to understand.


  1. The 'steam cut off valve is under construction, i.e. they're still "building" it.

    WV: hylooz, when you go through a reception line everyone gets a chance to say their "hylooz"

  2. Having 'cut' and 'off' as two separate words reveals a further complexity: Allegedly, constructing vapour caused the severance of the spigot.

  3. Ah, Colin, that explains why Mona couldn't find it.

  4. No, they're building a steam cut, whatever that is, which is off the valve.
