Friday, November 26, 2010


I want to know what part of the quotation was left out here. Insults? Something unrelated? Just saying. Thanks, Sharyl.


  1. Could be the word "don't".

  2. Something Shatner-esque about the phrasing "Please.... Use - Trash Cans"!

  3. Oh, I'm so glad you can make out the random tilde! I was wishing I'd taken a closer shot.

    I just didn't get this sign. And what must the folks at the printing company have thought when they got THAT order? "I'd like 5 ellipses after 'please' and a tilde mark after 'use.' Oh, and quotation marks too, of course."

  4. LOL - I have frequently considered changing careers to pursue my dream of proofreading signs and menus. I think there is a gold mine to be made in chinese menus alone - the one in front of me now states "All Dishes are served with Steamed Sauce on the Side" (caps theirs).
