Sunday, November 07, 2010

or some other card?

The underlining on this sign also confuses me. Do people try putting other things in the card reader besides debit and credit cards? And what are people REALLY using? Thanks, Steve.


Elizabeth said...

And, uh, what are people trying to do besides insert and remove their cards? I'm having trouble thinking of anything else you can do with a debit card and a slot.

The Great Joe Bivins said...

It's one of those slots that if you just stick it in and leave it it does nothing, you have to stick it in and pull it back out so it swipes it.

Classic Steve said...

The emphasis on "only" suggests that some users insert and/or remove more than the card.

toep said...

But, wait a minute, if 'debit card' is in quotes, doesn't that imply you CAN use something else?

Also, if you inserted something else, does it mean that you can't remove it (given the use of 'and')?

Unknown said...

Maybe they were concerned about this song:

~ 1:54