Thursday, September 30, 2010

your "bacon" eh?

I feel like this is maybe a reference to bringing home the bacon, but that doesn't make it good. Or maybe they mean to say the bank is still kosher? Or that it isn't? Thanks, Andrew.


  1. THis goes with the post from a LONG time back that advertised "eggs"

  2. The marks are definitely necessary, but I'm not sure what it means.

    WV: inefubs = cutesy way of saying "ineffable," which is what the "bacon" may be here.

  3. But he has an instrument. Musical equipment and money don't go together, you have one or the other, unless you're famous.

  4. Yeah, I don't think these were unnecessary at all.

  5. Absolutely hilarious! And I originally thought I might stumble onto an article about "closing quotes" inside vs. outside "punctuation", such as "periods" and "commas". ;-)
