Wednesday, July 28, 2010

you see, it's a metaphor

Maybe we can spell this out for you a little more.... Thanks, Amethyst.


  1. First fish gets the fly.

  2. Second mouse gets the cheese...

  3. I work for ACC, and I saw that cover every day, all summer, but I never noticed the quotations. I think in this case "bird" is student, and "worm" is courses

  4. Thanks for clearing that up Ashley.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Since this is for the ACC, and people with autism generally struggle with metaphors (their tendency is to take them literally, and most autistic people have to memorise each common phrase like that to remember that it isn't meant literally), this is in fact a way of making it possible for autistic people to easily comprehend that it's a metaphor. The quotation marks may not be totally necessary, but they do serve a useful function in this case.

  7. Yeah, I work at ACC too - I'm right now staring at this damn thing and the whole sign the chicken is holding is worth adding because it really makes it even funnier - it has a picture of a rooster that says YOU and then a picture of a caterpillar (Yes, not even a worm) that says CLASSES . It's almost like 'Hey you idiot that can't make it in real college, let's spell out this for you, but then not even properly.'

  8. Here, look:

  9. am I missing something, or is Nat seeing "autism" where it in fact says "austin"?

  10. Yeah, that catalog kind of made me want to deny I go to school there. Well, that and that one of the actual final runners-up in the mascot search was "Bbhoggawact". The only circumstance under which I can envision even trying to pronounce that is as I'm huddled over the toilet.

  11. Wow-- I just moved to Austin, & I saw that on a billboard the first day I was here. I thought it must have been my imagination; guess not!

  12. What's most worrying is that this place is supposed to educate people.

  13. Woops, dyslexic slip-up there, my apologies. So, totally unnecessary then.
