Thursday, May 20, 2010

well. ok.

John did not provide a context for where one might find both beer and simulated eggs, but it sounds like a place worth checking out, even though that sounds kind of gross. Thanks, John.


Joe St said...

I have a weird feeling I've seen this before. Could someone (John?) tell me where this sign is?

Lauren said...

I don't know where that specific sign is, but I live in eastern Pennsylvania and most of the bars here also serve hard boiled or pickled eggs.

Darcy said...

Indicating that the man who drinks Michelob has "huevos?"

Karen said...

At the Dharma Initiative perhaps?

version too point ohhhh said...

John, here. This sign is from Richard's Bar in Chicago. Hardboiled eggs and Michelob Ultra - quite the killer kombo, no?