Monday, May 03, 2010

wait, what?

Tara spotted this at a Winnipeg second hand store. She is full of questions that I don't know the answer to, such as: what is a chopper hopper? who does this belong to? (I suppose right now, nobody, it's for sale...)


  1. I'm thinking a chopper hopper is a compost bucket/kitchen waste receptacle, and there was a "His" to match--which is a bit frightening....

  2. Nope, I bet it's a denture holder.

    And if they'd stuck the quotes around everything BUT "her" they'd probably have been fine.

  3. Choppers can also mean a pair of gloves (to chop wood with) -- slang from our Midwest and (possibly) our northern neighbors.

    I'm inclined to agree w/ Galadriel, but wouldn't that be "chompers?"

  4. Considering it's a jar shaped like an old woman holding a toothbrush and a tube of some unknown "paste," I'd say this is definitely a denture holder.

    Galadriel is right.

  5. It IS a "chomper" holder, but i tell you Gabe, i "blew" up the pic and i was hard pressed to make out the toothbrush and toothpaste. This looks like it's a bit roomy for one, maybe it's "hers" because hubby puts his in too? eeew!

  6. A second-hand denture holder? Ewww!

  7. It's for a "bottom." Aka, a "queen." Right?

  8. "choppers" is old time slang for teeth/ false teeth
