Saturday, May 01, 2010

also this

Well, if one thing is for sure, it's that Burger King is not, in fact, a steakhouse. Thanks, Matt.


  1. Is the sign's message continued on the other side? It certainly reads unfinished.

  2. Signs like this make me want to curl up and die. Every line is a knife to the heart.

  3. Wow, didn't know you could cram that much fail onto one sign...

  4. "All the burgers are either ours or new, but not both."

  5. I got dizzy reading this. Maybe the letterer is stalling to avoid having to go back and clean the drains. The only thing missing is the extra space before the exclamation point.

  6. Maybe they were at least slightly aware this sign was a 'fail'. I mean, they did say -try- at the top...

  7. The excessive quotation marks are astounding, but the incorrect usage of the possessive at the end puts the grammatical icing on the blunder cake. Try their burger's what?

  8. This one is truly painful. To make myself feel better, I'd like to think they're playing the "see how many mistakes you can find" game. When my children are old enough to read, I think that's what I'll do when confronted with such atrocities of punctuation.
