Friday, April 16, 2010

this is just "great"

Yeah, you're a "really good" brother. I "like" you or something. Thanks, Chris.


  1. I know i'm from a different generation but, nothing about that image says birthday to me (or brotherhood for that matter). Is it a 'pre' cake wrecks design?

  2. Mom said I HAD to get you a card, so here. I hope you're "happy."

    @toep - maybe the dinosaur goes along with the "great," as in, "Many happy returns (but I actually hope you become extinct)."

  3. Hmm, the candyish appearance might imply "great -- for eating." But if this is about extinction, I notice that the horns are wobbly. That cute big eye attempts to hide a geriatric condition.

  4. @Classic Steve, you may be on to something, a few of those horns do have a candy-corn look about them...

  5. I suspect this is a pun. The quotes are supposed to call attention to the duel meanings of the word in America: good and large. Hence, the friendly dinosaur.

    What a "great" card.
