Auxbent writes, "The whole thing is wrong: spelling, punctuation, coherence... but the quotation marks are legendary. In English it goes more or less like this: For you safety, you are being recorded once you enter this business by our "surveillance cameras" (I told you everything was just wrong)."
I know enough Spanish to tell that it must not have been written by a literate native speaker.
Look bethany, rapid sketching in Spanish! Degas anyone?
WV: istrap--do NOT go inside this establishment "istrap"!!
Actually, "su" in Spanish, at least as spoken/written in Mexco, means "your" as well as "you"; Spanish grammar is different enough from English grammar that there isn't always a direct correlation between pronouns.
And, Classic Steve, what makes you say that it couldn't've been written by a literate native speaker (or, I suppose, writer :P)?
The quotation marks, though...yeahhh....
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