Friday, March 05, 2010

nickname I guess

The person who does this laundry could have a variety of names, except when they do laundry, then their nickname is always "Julia". Thanks, Melissa.


  1. Apparently the person running this establishment does not take particular pride in their work, hence wishing to be known under an alias.

  2. Although, "Julia" could be like the Dread Pirate Roberts. The original Julia opened the laundromat and had such success that she was able to retire on an island after seven years, but she wanted to provoke fear in the minds of [the other laundromats? dirty clothes?], so she gave the name "Julia" to someone else so they could carry on her legacy. Or something like that.

  3. @pretzel - That is a fabulous explanation.

  4. Maybe the real name is JULIO's Laundry, but his friends all think that it's too feminine of a gig!

  5. At our house, we do
    Laundry by "Whoever is willing and the least grumpy."

  6. @Karen, it wouldn't fit the sign, lol. How about "laundry by wiwalg"? (whoever is willing and least grumpy)
