That looks to me like an attempt to draw parallel diagonal lines - a pair at each corner - rather than a bunch of misplaced quotation marks. (Imagine a box around "Test in Progress" and you'll see what I mean.)
I agree with Jannalou. Looks like they're trying to make the test in progress fly out at you to me.
I think it's a lab of some kind where "TESTIN" research is being done. And, good news, things are going well, there is TESTIN progress!
I agree with Jannalou and conservationinequalities. I'd give the person who wrote that sign the benefit of the doubt.
the "test out" was happening down the hall.
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That looks to me like an attempt to draw parallel diagonal lines - a pair at each corner - rather than a bunch of misplaced quotation marks. (Imagine a box around "Test in Progress" and you'll see what I mean.)
I agree with Jannalou. Looks like they're trying to make the test in progress fly out at you to me.
I think it's a lab of some kind where "TESTIN" research is being done. And, good news, things are going well, there is TESTIN progress!
I agree with Jannalou and conservationinequalities. I'd give the person who wrote that sign the benefit of the doubt.
the "test out" was happening down the hall.
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