Tuesday, February 23, 2010

"flu shots" in the dairy aisle

I wish the quotation marks were around here, because this makes me think you'll get fake flu shots right here in the ice cream case. Thanks, Tony.


  1. Maybe the mint chip will prevent the flu?

  2. Frosty the Snowman (M.D.) is giving them out and he has to stay in the freezer while he's doing it or he'll melt. Also NOBODY touch his old silk hat.

  3. This brings to mind the Bill Cosby routine about getting his tonsils removed as a kid: "ICE cream...we're gonna get ICE cream!" Hey, maybe "flu shots" is code for "tonsils removed."

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. @Kirsten, yeah because everyone knows kids will be less fearful if you're telling them they're gonna get a flu shot.

    WV: equaltie--BOGO offer in the men's department
