Wednesday, January 13, 2010

king of something

I guess he's not a real king, just bail bonds nobility. Thanks submitter who didn't sign your name.


  1. Actually, I'd have to say they used the quotation marks properly. Using quotes around a nickname is appropriate. It's showing that it's something a person is called, not their legal name.
    Usually I laugh like crazy since I'm a grammar nazi, but this one seems fine to me.

  2. Hey, at least he's honest! We have a bail bondsman in Madison named King Shack. No quotation marks. He is WAY too ghetto to be a real king. :P

  3. What's wrong the quotes here? King appears to be his nickname, hence the quotes.

  4. I have a "King" Stahlman Bail bonds t-shirt. The front looks like this, the back is: "Because being in jail sucks"
