Sunday, December 20, 2009

possibly necessary?

I am trusting Bata, who sent me this, that these quotation marks are in fact unnecessary. Since I can't read that language.


  1. Looks Korean, I didn't know they used them, unless they just LOOK like quote marks....

  2. It is indeed Korean, and that is kimchi (spicy pickled Napa/Chinese Cabbage). The word in quotations means (generally):
    convenient / easy / simple

    This is in reality a simple dish since it's pre-made an available in a jar.... unless they're implying with the " " that it's really a DIY kimchi kit!

  3. I love the original caption. So. funny.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. LOL Georgeanna,(re: kimichi kit) doesn't kimchi take months to be ready?

    Oh, and i love the green circle that says 'keep refrigerated'---the characters beneath look a little like the %@%& we use for 'bleep' words, as though it's: keep refrigerated __dmmit!

  6. @toep, no, it doesn't take months to make. Kimchi only takes months if you bury it in the ground to ferment, otherwise, it can be made in a matter of days.

  7. ... and kimchi without fermentation is NOT kimchi...
