Sunday, November 29, 2009

or so they claim

You know how pdf files go on and on about how "large" they are.... whatevs. Thanks, David.


  1. Apparently the maker of that sign also just discovered that they could get different fonts to display in Windows.

    Seriously. The block "sports" font? The Army "stencil" font? What are we using, Print Shop circa 1989?

  2. Hey just be glad it's not Comic F___ing Sans!

  3. I think this is posted at Texas A&M University (where I am currently a student). The computer lab there is terribly inefficient, with only 3 printers on each floor to serve hundreds of computers. If you print anything longer than 5 pages, you might as well check your email and surf the 'net, because it's going to be a while before you see your printout. You'd think a university that produces hundreds of engineers could come up with a better system.

  4. Actually, it's Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR
