Thursday, October 29, 2009

"chest pain"

This sign gives hints for how to get attention in a hurry: alleged symptoms. Thanks, Diana.


Wendy Sparrow said...

At least they credit the spanish-speaking community with enough sense to recognize the difference between "feeling gassy" and "chest pains." English speakers are just sooo like that, you know?

Unknown said...

Wendy - seems more to me like discrimination! Spanish speaking patients need REAL pain, but the English speaking ones can fake it...

Wendy Sparrow said...

Gasp! You're right! Where is this place? Discrimination!


Penny said...

Well, it is fairly common for first-time mothers to imagine they are in active labor when they're not.

(My midwife always said if you can talk through it, it's probably not an active stage labor contraction.)

Cliff and Judy Egner said...

I love that Spanish speakers get different rules! "Funny!"