Friday, September 04, 2009

you know, "boxes"

This was at Lucy's office, where they want you to take care of "boxes" and are not really that polite about it.


  1. What does an apostrophe followed by quotations mean? 'boxes" ?

  2. I think writing "please" in quotes like this is like saying "screw yourself and do like I say because I am only saying please, halfheartedly, once; then I kick your ass up and down the block." -- Mykal

  3. I submitted this exact same one over a year ago, and you guys posted it back then. I haven't worked there for over a year. Did someone else really submit this, or are you recycling entries?

  4. yeah, I see a lot of quotation marks, I don't remember them all. Lucy is a real person, and I have hundreds backlogged. Every once in a while a double gets through.
