Tuesday, September 08, 2009

no "stealing"

Yeah. Stop that pretend stealing, it's being captured by our cameras in plain sight. Thanks, Angela.


Kerry Blaisdell said...

Also love the misuse of "your" for "you're." BTW, I look forward to your "posts" ;) every day!

Unknown said...

I think that one may be right. I mean if you're not getting away with their goods then you're not stealing, you just think you are -- thus "stealing." And if the camera is in plain sight, then it's a "hidden" camera. Why have "hidden" there at all? Well to co-op a common phrase I guess. I give this sign (minus the grammar) a pass.

Danielle said...

^I think the misuse of your/you're is the most irritating part of the sign.

micah said...

My "stealing"? What in the world could they be talking about??

Quisty said...

What I want to know is: Why would anyone be stealing for this retailers hidden cameras? ha ha. but that's the way the sign truly reads!