Friday, September 11, 2009

like anyone enforces these things

Julie sent me these ones. I wish all restrooms were labeled this way, especially the one-toilet ones, where it doesn't matter anyway. It would further enable my tendency to look around and dodge into the "men's" when there is a long line of women.


  1. I know lots of people whose "lady" status is questionable. Referring to someone as a "man" is more suggestive...

  2. The word men indicates mature human males. I suppose their intent is to allow males of all ages to use the facility. They could have simply labled the door, Males.

  3. Reminds me of the restroom signs in a hunting lodge that were simply "Pointers" and "Setters." Don't remember if they had quotation marks, but it probably would have been appropriate here. Hopefully most people could figure out which one they were.

  4. And one place I went to where the male toilets were labelled "Laddies". I don't think there were any quotation marks and there were probably a lot of confused people...

  5. Perhaps this is to make the transgendered at whatever stage from cross-dressing to post transformation feel more comfortable?
