Sunday, August 09, 2009

yeah, "turn" it "off"

putting it on vibrate seems acceptable. And they don't actually mean to be polite. Thanks, Kim.


  1. I checked on that, actually--vibrate is ok. They usually don't want to distract the staff.

  2. supposedly the "radio waves" can make people with "pacemakers" heads "explode"

    on a "side" note, my "blackberry" doesn't "actually" "turn off" when you press the "power" button it just goes to "standby", which is kind of a "pain" in the "butt" when an application "freezes"... i have to take the "battery" "out" "!"

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I think the quotes on "Thank you" are correct: it's a quotation from the author. "You're welcome", I replied.

    ...and it should have been: Turn "off", since the device isn't really off...
