Saturday, August 22, 2009


Chris spotted this at a dry cleaners in a college town in upstate NY. I love these things: 1) must it or not? 2) so can I use a card? 3) you have to make a sign about vomit? it's that common?


  1. If it's a college town, then yeah, I can see the dry cleaner needing to make a sign about vomit.....although, isn't that what the dry cleaner is for - to get those stains out??

  2. Lovely signs. I love the double negative credit cards sign with the unnecessary quotation marks. I think they are just trying to confuse their drunk customers.

  3. This is my photo (thanks for posting it!) - and my guess is that they'd had many, many vomit-stained garments to inspire that much anger.

  4. And what if you vomit on something that is "dry clean only"?

  5. I have to say that this is one of the funniest blogs I've ever read.

    I never gave unnecessary quotation marks a second thought before I found you.

    Now, I just take a minute or two each day to read your posts. Unfailingly, I am laughing by the time I finish reading!

    Thanks for all you do. Very, very funny stuff. Have you thought about making this into a book?


    Ellen Kimball
    Portland, OR

  6. It's the sign on the right that bothers me. Two nos would be a double negative. Quotes around a word or phrase make it seem not serious. But how the heck do all these rules work through "no" "no"? That they're not very strict about not being strict about not using credit cards?

  7. Thanks, Ellen. My book proposal is actually on my agent's desk, waiting for editors to stop being on vacation.

  8. I work at dry cleaners on a college campus and can completely understand why a sign like this is necessary. Students often drop off items with vomit, blood, and other bodily fluid stains on them, sometimes while still wet. For health reasons, it's not really safe for employees to handle these unless they are dry.

  9. Can there be a rule not to post comments unless they are funny? kthxbye

  10. I guess yours is out, then

  11. Haha! Thanks, Anna, you beat me to it.

  12. My mom managed a dry cleaners' premises years ago and said that people (particularly men) did indeed bring in vomit-stained clothing after a night of over-indulgence. Another reason never to work in such places.

  13. If you work at a dry cleaners, you aren't required to have perfect spelling... but shouldn't you AT LEAST know how to spell the past tense of your core function (dried instead of dryed)?
    And to those who are saying that these signs are needed, NOBODY is arguing with you. This blog is called "The 'blog' of 'Unnecessary' Quotation Marks"... not "The 'blog' of 'Unnecessary' Signs". Just in case you were confused...
