What I like about this apparent slogan is that it's so matter-of-fact. No capital letters, no exclamation points, no hyperbole. Unless it doesn't actually work, which is why they are distancing themselves from the statement with quotation marks. hmmm.... Thanks, Quinn.
I've got this image of a group of ad agency types trying to brainstorm at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon and coming up with this. ("Oh, screw it, that'll do. Let's go grab some drinks.")
I think in this case it's to prevent litigation. They're just quoting what someone said (In that same vein, I could say "makes my penis huge and IQ rise by 20 points")
I think quotation marks are acceptable when used around an obvious quote.
That is why they're called that, isn't it?
but a quote from WHO? still funny.
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