Thursday, July 09, 2009

slow them down

Bruce writes, "Sounds like they intend to spread honey around, just to slow 'em down a little."


Unknown said...
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Pink said...

Nah...they're just going to redirect them.

Unknown said...

Clearly part of the same franchise as these guys

Unknown said...

I love random sites like this.

James Gilmore said...

It's an imperative. "Stop," ants.


toep said...

Clearly, J. Gilmore is correct. It's a kind of warning, (note the fence) but probably needs an exclamation mark enclosed also....

Michael G. Munz said...

Ack! I've got a sign like this just down the road from me. I keep meaning to take a picture, but someone beat me to it.

Lucy R. Fisher said...

"Like it."

At our uni canteen, a notice read:

"Please put your dirty plates on the rack."

Someone had written underneath:


Anonymous said...

That is so "funny"!