Thursday, July 02, 2009

no, seriously, "don't"

Puck took this photo and writes, "it was like it was nodding and saying 'no' to me at the same time..."


  1. This poses an existential quandary: Is the sign never to be removed, or once you read it, you can't leave?

  2. What are you "not" supposed to remove? I'm confused. Is it telling me not to remove myself?

  3. i felt the cosmos wink and say "psst... you know you wanna"...

    it was the back of the 'form line here' sign but this side was facing gen pop in the store...

  4. My thoughts exactly, Laura. I thought it either referred to the sign (in which case, what a strange loop), or the MicroCenter itself (in which case, it must really be micro).
