Actually, this sign makes it seem like this golfcourse really isn't closed, since you can call somebody and still play. Maybe it will cost you, hence the ominous "thank you and have fun". Maybe you'll play golf while being hunted like an animal for sport. Thanks, Heather.
They "were still closed" it says. I guess this means that they didn't want certain people to know that they were actually open last week.
"If you want to play really bad" call the pro shop? Why would I need to do that? I can play really bad on my own, thank you very much.
And, what's with the random lowercase i's?
Without the apostrophe, it reads like this is the Sorry!!! Golf Course.
"Were" still? WERE????? Oh my full-on God...
Genius blog, btw.
Pictures are good....
thanks for sharing...
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