Tuesday, May 12, 2009

somebody should anyway

Kim sent me this one. People are always talking about this "God" dude, maybe they are trying to include agnostics.


Anonymous said...

What's with the double period/shortened ellipsis? Either they paused for dramatic emphasis, or they needed a moment to think what to say.

Ultimately, I suppose it's better than putting "bless" or "America" in quotation marks. That would call their intent into question.

Clare Lynch said...

Looks like atheistic subversion to me!

Taryn said...

Oh man- who knows what / who god is anyway. I love this one.

I don't comment often- but I read every day. I love this blog. Keep up the good work!
I look for unnecessary quotation marks all the time too. Maybe I will find one eventually!

Anonymous said...

"God" as in your dog, your cat, your cosmetics collection, you...

Biff Zongo said...

"it's" "the" "damn" "atheists" "fault"

Anonymous said...

You know, dude, it's like God or whatever, bless america