Wednesday, May 13, 2009

not so happy

Chelsea was at Courtney's birthday party with this cake. She didn't say that Courtney's parents had something to tell her about her actual birthday, but maybe the cake decorators thought so.


  1. Actually, I think the quotation marks are fine, but I wonder why Courtney is wishing herself a happy birthday.

  2. Ha this is great! Sometimes I think people put in these "unnecessary" quotes just to fill white space...which is annoying (yet hilarious!) because they have no clue when to really use them. Thank goodness for this blog! I love it so much.

  3. You should forward this one to

  4. For once the quotation marks don't bother me. The chocolatey goodness of the cake does, though.

  5. And why is "courtney" in lowercase? What an ironic lack of respect.

  6. Yeah, I'm going to interpret this one a bit differently: the quotation marks are implying that the "Happy Birthday" is spoken, and "Courtney" is a signature. :D

  7. I agree with some of the other comments that this cake doesn't belong on the blog. It's easy to imagine "Happy Birthday" being a quotation. The only error is the lower-case c.
