Wednesday, April 22, 2009

that's a great poem

This sign is clearly making an allusion to some literary or artistic work that is about this store. And its cheese. I think I would like to have an adventure in cheese. Thanks, Camille.


  1. Not sure I'd like an adventure in cheese, allusion or not.

    wv: arkstess, the ladies in charge of the Ark of the Covenant.

  2. After recording their album "Sailing the Sea of Cheese," Primus must've had a great experience when visiting, and the quote is their endorsement.

  3. I know a turophile who'd be perfectly delighted with that sign. I myself think the rest of it is really kind of... flat. "Alex Farm Products." It's as exciting as calling it "Bob's Cheese Store."

    wv: grardble. That could be a kind of cheese.

  4. LOL, I've actually shopped there. Quite and adventure. Good cheese.

  5. Remember - there is no "I" in "team," but there is an adventure in cheese.
