Saturday, March 28, 2009


Marc, a New Yorker, ate at this place in Tokyo. He claims the sushi was better than any he experienced in New York, but I wonder if that, combined with the quotation marks, is a commentary on the quality of American sushi compared to Japanese...


mand said...

When i was in Japan (a long time ago) you could get Kentucky Fried Sushi... at least that would have been 'real' sushi.

Cam said...

This is the best photo I've seen on here. I love the person doing the quote marks - too cute!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Could've been worse. It could've said "Fresh" Sushi.

Anonymous said...

I just found this blog and I have to say, it is the best blog ever! "Really!"

mand said...

Dennis: rotfl. Why didn't i think of that?

Just been looking at the pictures in your Diary of Destruction. You are one handsome hound. ;0)

Lisa Creech Bledsoe said...

Fantastic photo! And a blog for great fun. Yay for adding this to the b'sphere.

Unknown said...

The sign seems to suggest that their product is not sushi at all ... soylent green anyone?

Anonymous said...

Amazing post...
thanks you very much....

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