Monday, March 23, 2009

if that is your real species

I was hoping these questions were going to be about old-school jazz musicians. Like, you know, cool cats. Thanks, Holly and Stephen.


Jon said...

This is the best one ive seen so far.

Unknown said...

Maybe it's trivia about the word, not the animal.

Like, "Did you know that "cat" is a three letter word?"

alouette said...

My guess is it's referring to cats like mine, who behave nothing like what a cat should.

The trivia should read...

"Some "cats" have a strong desire to eat nothing but plastic and are known to wander the house all day looking for inanimate plastic prey."

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... maybe it's all about the inhabitants of filthy restaurant kitchens?
"Oh no Mr Health Inspector, that animal you saw must have been my cat. Yes, my cat"

Anonymous said...

Maybe they're cheetahs.

Unknown said...

kyknoord, I thought that was a pedigree Siberian hamster.

Anonymous said...

Great post...
thanks for sharing...

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