Monday, March 16, 2009


Stairways are also acceptable for fake fires. Thanks Thad, who saw this in a New Orleans Airport.


Dani said...

Sweet I'm going there soon. I can see this sign in person. Whole new vistas in tourism.

Anonymous said...

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown could not be reached for comment.

DaveG said...

What an awesome blog! As a former English grammar and composition teacher and professional editor/writer for the past 27+ years, I've seen these so many times that I sometimes want to rip the perpetrators' hair out while pounding some sense into them. I've also set up a Squidoo lens on Grammar and Parts of Speech and I have a blog about the Agonized English I see when I'm out and about: Editorial Rants of EditorDave. My sites are mostly for homeschooling families and for teachers wanting to find new references.... but you are welcome to visit as well. Thanks again for making such a strong point with such humor!

Dakota said...

haha, this reminds me of an episode of The Office.

Danyell said...

Well, it's an airport. Maybe "fire" is a euphemisim for something that would make the passengers uncomfortable.

Anonymous said...

They mean in case somebody yells "Fire," whether or not there is one.

WV: micks -- Funny this should come up the day after St. Patrick's Day. And in green.