Wednesday, February 25, 2009

you sort of have to

Submitter Olivia points out that those employees who can read Spanish really do have to wash their hands. English only... maybe you don't.


Anonymous said...

And there's even a typo in the Spanish one.. It should say "volver" instead of "volter". "Volter" isn't a word!

Jösh said...

Actually, Spanish-speakers don't have to either... "Deben" (from the verb "deber" means "should," not "have to." Ironic...maybe someone tried to translate into English who didn't know how to say Should, so they settled for "must," figuring that the quotes make up for the difference.

Nick the Geek said...

I think if I saw that sign I would have to leave the place right away. Eww doesn't even begin to describe my "feeling."

Sara said...

malvond- Correct. Volver means to return. Volter does not exist.

joshli88 is partially correct. Deber does mean should but it also means must. Deben means they must. Deberían (the verb in the conditional) means they should.

Christine said...

Ew. Haha

♥ xtine

Anonymous said...

Great to see this post...
thanks for sharing.....

Entertainment at one stop