Wednesday, February 25, 2009

where is that guy?

Amy writes "It makes me wonder if there's a thuggish security guard nicknamed 'the law' lurking somewhere in the store waiting to catch people inappropriately trying on underwear."


  1. There is no way to enforce this rule. Honor system, ladies.
    This one time, a customer wanted to try on a pair of socks. I couldn't believe that I actually had to explain why that would not be cool.

  2. It must be really startling when you're trying on underwear then you notice that "the law" is peeking into the dressing room to make sure you're doing it right.

  3. As long as it's Duane "The Law" Johnson, I'll bet most ladies wouldn't mind.

    WV: eudemon--"Duane, eu de mon!"

  4. Let's forget the quotation mark error in this example and focus instead on the idea of trying on underwear, even with other underwear still on. That thought makes me not want to ever wear underwear ever again that doesn't come out of a tightly sealed plastic bag.

  5. This is great. While it might be the law to keep your underwear on for sanitary reasons, most Consumer Protection Laws make it impossible for a consumer to be compelled to buy anything - ever. It doesn't matter if you break something, stain something, etc. You never have to buy anything. FYI.

  6. Anyone remember "Judge Dredd", that gawd awful Stalone movie?

    (In a poor impersonation)
    " I am the Law"

  7. Great to see this post...
    thanks for sharing.....

    Entertainment at one stop
