Wednesday, February 18, 2009

hit man

It's good to know you can get rid of your cheating-ass husband, I mean "private bodies" at this place in Australia. Thanks, Jennie.


kjl said...

Uh...what. the. heck. Can someone please explain???

lattégirl said...


Jennie said...

kjl: The term 'private bodies' means a cow/sheep/pig owned by an individual who wants it butchered for their own use rather than selling it to an abattoir. There you go, you learn something new every day.

kjl said...

Thanks Jennie...I was so disturbed and confused.

The Oceanside Animals said...

I wonder if there's an extra charge to get the body filleted or made into chili ...

Buffy said...

The #1 choice of hit men everywhere!

Michelle said...

Not very coy about their "business" are they?

Danyell said...

Even knowing what the term means...I'm no less disturbed than I was before.

Anonymous said...

And what about corporals?

Anonymous said...

Haha, Deckardcanine, good point.

This is "wildly" surreal.

Anonymous said...

Nice post ....
thanks for sharing...

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