Jan writes, "I can only assume that these bags are actually made from virgin redwoods, pulped along with spotted owls and processed using oils drilled illegally in ANWR, then sewn by 4-year-olds working in underground sweatshops." I was thinking they were multicolored.
8 years ago
See, if it had been '"green" bags', I would have gone with multicolored, but because it was "green bags", the whole concept of it being a green bag is called into question. Pure pedantry :lol:
Right, and because the word 'bags' is also in quotes then they probably aren't really bags, but just burlap or plastic tubes.
Whoa. That's pretty cheap for "green bags," even if they're "green dime bags."
Actually, I'm guessing this has something to do with the product. Green bags are these special baggies designed to keep fruits and veggies fresh.
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