Thursday, December 04, 2008

Bombs OK

Found on a mailbox in Virginia

Make that the Theodore Kaczynski memorial mailbox.


  1. Given the spacing, maybe they're saying they only want whole words.

  2. Unnecessary quotes aside, I don't understand... why can't you put letters into the mailbox? It's a MAILBOX, for goodness' sake. Isn't that why it's there?

  3. Megan, some Post Offices now have self service kiosks where you can ship packages without having to go to the counter. Once you weigh your package and print your postage, you deposit the package in a large mailbox next to the kiosk. In other words, this mailbox is for packages, not letters. I'm sure they have a seperate box or slot for letters nearby.

  4. Oh! I guess I haven't been to a post office in a long, long time. Thanks! :-)

  5. man, it's a pain in the ass to add quotes on those labelmaker things, too.
