Monday, November 17, 2008

That's right. If you find their allegedly lost parrot named keet, you should not bite him, and return him for a fake "reward". Thanks, Kevin.


  1. so confused... do not walk too much? wtf??

  2. Lord, help that poor soul learn English. And spelling.

  3. I have to say I mostly feel sad for the loss of their pet..

  4. I just found your blog and I'm so excited! Partially because I'm relieved someone is addressing the egregious misuse of quotation marks for emphasis (which seems to become more common every day) and partially because I'm cracking up.

  5. Bethany,

    Yes, I love the "blog." I post now and then, and even got one of my pics posted.

    Now that you know I'm not a professional griper, I might suggest you blur out part of the phone number. Nobody want their phone number posted like that....

    Unless, of course, we're all helping look for Keet.

    I sure could use some of that "reward."

  6. Judging by the writing, I imagine they are not native English speakers. Different languages (even different areas of a given language) have different guidelines for style. There are remarkable differences between the UK and the US, for example, and I'm going to guess this person has German as a *SECOND* language. (And English as a much-later third).

  7. Joe, I understand where you're coming from, but I leave it up to submitters to send me photos that are ready to be posted. I spend too much time on the blog already, so if I have to be opening editing software and re-saving things, I'll just skip right over them.

  8. My favorite part is that the person uses "too" correctly. Out, parakeet, and the difference between do and does...not so much. But too vs. to, something many people struggle with, this author nails no problem.

  9. good call, winona! henceforth, if you can't spell lhaso apso, you must trade it in for a lab.

  10. I'm with Brian YYZ...poor birdie.

    I suggest that any newcomers check out a classic from this site's hit parade; look for the keywords:

    "A" PUPPY!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Quite apart from anything else it looks more like a budgie to me.
