Monday, November 03, 2008


Mike D and his wife saw this in Redwood City, CA. Maybe the signmaker knew this sign would show up in my blog months later, when they've been able to smog cars for quite some time, or maybe again can't.


  1. That's the only time I've seen "smog" used as a verb. Based on the noun, it doesn't sound good, but that must be misleading. Is it something done in California because of more stringent emissions standards?

  2. I'm going to post this one to the blog of people who misspell (k)new... ;p

  3. aw crap, that's the second error from last night's posting that I've had to fix. I'm clearly losing it.

  4. Love this, funny as all hell. Hell is quite funny {now I will notice "" everywhere}

  5. Is it something done in California because of more stringent emissions standards?

    Yep. All cars manufactured before a certain date have to get smog checkups every so often. We've got them here in Maryland as well...

  6. Yep. All cars manufactured before a certain date have to get smog checkups every so often. We've got them here in Maryland as well...

    I can't speak for Maryland... but believe it or not (at least in California), it isn't manufactured BEFORE a certain date, its manufactured AFTER a certain date.

    Older cars that wouldn't be expected to pass emissions standards because they weren't designed to pass those emissions standards are grandfathered exempt.

    It makes sense in that poor people can't afford to buy new cars, or retrofit their old ones, and they would basically be screwed... but it doesn't make sense because the only cars that are required to get smogged are cars that were designed to pass emissions standards, and as such aren't typically a problem. So... with wonderful California Liberal efficiency, we've passed restrictive laws to help the environment, but the laws specifically target vehicles that generally create VERY little pollution, and specifically makes exempt all the cars that are creating the pollution the law was intended to stop.

    Liberals huh? Aren't they great! If we're lucky, Obama will bring all the great governance us Californians are used to on a state level, only this time on the federal level!

  7. hossrex,

    Better take a chill pill. You're going to have to learn to get along with a different kind of thinking for at least four years.


  8. Joe: I'm too nervous to count those chickens before they hatch, but hossrex, you do need to take a chill pill.

  9. @hossrex: nice try, but you've got it wrong. there are almost no cars on the road that are from the pollution-belching era. the reason newer cars must be checked is because the devices that control emissions also decrease the power of the car somewhat. and people were removing the emission controls to jack that power back up. "smogging" them (i had to get some quote marks in here somehow!)makes sure those controls stay attached to the car.

    have a nice liberal day!
