Thursday, November 06, 2008

it's like a rallying cry

Paul saw this at a Mexican restaurant in Kentucky. He doesn't know what Genesis is and neither do I, maybe the old management was militantly creationist, and the new management says "no more!"


James Gilmore said...

Now are we talking Peter Gabriel Genesis or Phil Collins Genesis?

Darth Curt said...

Except for the double negative... it seems that they do accept Genesis... but not really because of the quotes. That is one confusing statement.

Marytoo said...

Well, if they mean Peter Gabriel Genesis, or Phil Genesis, or the book of Genesis in the Bible, ummm...What does that mean?!

Liz said...

Until you said it was a Mexican restaurant, I wondered if perhaps it was a video game store stating that they would no longer accept Sega Genesis games or components...but the whole Mexican food thing is really throwing me off. (However, it does provide an explanation for the less-than-stellar grammar...)

Ellie Green said...

Yeah. They just play Phil Collins. But not, "god" forbid, Genesis.

Stranger said...

I saw another one of these, also in Kentcuky, a few days ago. Better grammar, too. It had an example of Genesis stapled to it and it's some sort of credit system.