Thursday, October 09, 2008

see these guys everywhere

This from Jennifer. I must say, the spelling of cosmedics seems to imply that the car needs a nose job or something. Not to mention its alleged rarity.


Nathan said...

"Cosmedics" sounds like the care a doctor would provide to Russian space-goers. ;-)

Emily Busath Murdock said...

I'm more interested in the fact that he'll take B.O. as payment. Hardly seems right for something so rare...

Anonymous said...

And didn't Jerry try to get that OUT of his car?

Hossrex said...

No no no no no...

Its a haiku. Observe.
Very "Rare", runs fair. (5)

Needs some cosmetics. (7)

Ninety Five Hundred or Bo. (5... as long as you read it as the name "Bo", instead of "best offer.")

See? Maybe this car used to belong to the poet laureate of Japan!

Now THAT would be "rare".

john said...

um, i think you miscounted some syllables there. you've got 5-5-7

John said...

"very rare, runs fair, mon friar."

- George Carlin

Karen said...

Cosmedic=a physician specializing in solving B.O.