Tuesday, October 21, 2008

right this way...

Go ahead, just send your kids over here, we'll take them "inside" and make them an ID.... Submitter Tiffany notes that, even worse, there are a bunch of old men from the masonic society next to it.


HorribleLicensePlates said...

Oh my. I just hear that old man from Family Guy screeching, "Hey! come inside for some popsicles..." Ha!

Marytoo said...

This one lends itself to all sorts of possibilities!

Megan said...

That's really creepy!

Rachel said...

We've got "free candy" too. Just step inside our van.

Mie said...

Well...I guess you can't say it wasn't "full disclosure" :)

Anonymous said...

Why don't you have a seat over there?

Kate Silver said...

I read this as "free child id".

Nora said...

they charge for child egos.