Tuesday, October 28, 2008

fake americans. they're everywhere.

Click to embiggen so you can read the sign which says:
take back your country
deport illegal immigrants
buy American made

I would like to believe this is an ironic reference to the fact that all americans who aren't native americans are descended from immigrants, but I doubt it. Maybe they mean the people who live in the anti-american states. You know, the blue ones. Thanks, Bianca.


  1. "You know, the blue ones."


  2. Beth: I hope you enjoy living somewhere illegal immigration isn't a problem, and may it never become a problem where you live so you can continue making jokes about it.

  3. Excellent word choice with "embiggen," there.

    And I'm really not being ironic. I approve of that one.

  4. Is there anyone else who cannot wait for this election to pass? After two years, I think I hate all the candidates.

    And hossrex, I hope you enjoy the fact that you don't live in a country where things are so bad that you'd rather live somewhere else illegally than stay there.

  5. Gee, all that for some veggies and firewood. I think I'll pass...

  6. Well, if Terry Pratchett can have an 'embuggerance' why not 'embiggen'? Besides, I've actually seen that word elsewhere (friend wheel on facebook).

    And Hossrex, you have a very parochial, narrow view of the world. I suspect (though hope I'm wrong) that you don't really approve of legal immigration.

  7. I like the cart with the sign "firewood". Does that mean somebody should set the cart ablaze?

  8. Making Jokes?

    On this website?


    I don't think I like this guy's plan for the fake Americans to take the country from the real Americans. I'm a real American and I'd rather not see that happen.

  9. Coupled with that old hunter xing sign, one could only hope (desperately) that this is a parody of the American stereotype.
